Turnkey construction stage

Unlock, move in and enjoy life?

With the turnkey construction stage, apart from your personal furnishings and fittings, you receive a house that is more or less ready for occupation. Apart from the bare bones and ready for finishing your home incorporates the following from the upper surface of the basement.


Ceramic tiles are laid in the porch, hallway, kitchen, bath, WC and storage room. Skirting is installed in those rooms fitted with floor tiles, but not wall tiling. Laminate flooring with matching skirting is laid in the living- and bedrooms. The material price class for tiles is € 22/m² and € 14.80/m² for laminate (other floorings available).

Wall and ceiling surface finishing

All the joins in the interior walls and ceilings are reinforced and filled in the standard version (Q2) and are thus ready for tiling or wallpapering. Finer surface finishing is available at extra charge (Q3).

Wall tiling

Doorframe-high wall tiling is provided in every bathroom and WC. Roof slopes are not tiled. The material price class for tiles is € 22/m² (other wall coverings are always available at extra or reduced cost).

Painting & wallpapering

All the walls and ceilings (with the exception of the tiled surfaces) are covered with branded woodchip wallpaper with an emulsion paint coating. Painting of the walls and ceilings with emulsion (without wallpaper, but with a finer surface finish (Q3)) is also possible.

Window sills

The windows all have interior and exterior sills.
The interior sills are made of Helolit, the exterior sills of untreated aluminium.

Interior doors

The doors are provided with special veneers, metal fittings and frames in beech or white. Doors can be supplied with or without glazing.

Sanitary installations

The supply, installation and connection of the sanitary fittings drawn on the ground plan or listed in the quotation. Forma Vita products are already included among the standard features.

Special requests

Supplementary services can be offered and supplied at the request of the client.