Basement Variants


Basement Fitness


Basement Fitness & Yoga Studios


Basement - Private Cinema


Basement - Kids Space


Basement Spa Center


Basement Billiard Center


Basement Luxury Variants


Retro-fit Basements

A retro-fit basement involves digging under the property and underpinning in stages to create a new sub-structure whilst leaving the superstructure in place.
Although its expensive, the costs of moving can soon exceed the costs of providing more space underground and the work can all be undertaken without having to move out. Disruption can be kept to an absolute minimum with nearly all works capable of being undertaken from outside along with the provision of a portable w/c and site facilities for those who value their privacy.

Garden Basements

Often cheaper alternative to a retro-fit basement is a garden basement.
A new substructure is built in the garden of the existing property and is then covered over to reinstate the garden. This solution is most suited to properties in conservation areas or in listed buildings where it is not practical to add extra space in the conventional manner.


Garage Conversions

Garage conversions provide flexible space within the home, it may be a home gym or a new study, an extra bedroom is needed for guests - a garage conversion maybe the right option for you! You will be surprised to know that converting a garage can be an affordable option to give you this ever needed space and quite often requires no planning permission.